

ScenarioIndicator(Branch:Variable, IndicatorFunction, YearMode) or
ScenarioIndicator(Branch:Variable, IndicatorFunction)


Calculates a cross-scenario indicator for the current branch and variable.

  •  IndicatorFunction is a parameter that tells LEAP what type of indicator to calculate.  LEAP can calculate many different indicators including rankings, scores and ratios.

  •  YearMode is a parameter indicating over which years the Indicator should be calculated.  It can have three value as follows:

yOne, yEach =  0: Indicates that the indicator should be calculated separately in each year in each scenario.
yBase = 1:
Indicates that the indicator should be calculated only once for the base year of the study.
yAll = 2:
Indicates that the indicator should be calculated once looking across all values in all years.

If the YearMode parameter is omitted from the function then LEAP assumes YearMode=yEach.


 ScenarioIndicator(GDP,fRankHigh)  Ranks scenarios from 1 to n (where n is the number of scenarios) based on which had the highest GDP.  The ranking is calculated separately in each year.