

RSquared(Year1, Value1, Year2, Value2,... YearN, ValueN) or
RSquared(ExcelFile, ExcelRange)

See also: Using Time-Series Functions and Specifying Excel File and Range Parameters


Reports the standard error for a time-series.  Standard error is a measure of an estimate's variability. The greater the standard error in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate. As a rough rule-of-thumb, one can be 95% confident that the true coefficient is within ±1.96 standard errors of the estimate, or 68% confident that the true coefficient is within ±1 standard error.


RSquared(1980, 2,   1982, 2, 1985, 4 , 1990, 6, 1993, 8, 1995, 8, 2000, 10, 2005, 12, 2010, 18)  = 0.,958