Pollution Control Technologies

See also: TED, TED Data Pages

When specifying environmental data for energy technologies, you may specify up to three pollution control technologies. These are technologies such as SOx scrubbers or particulate filters that are designed to reduce the emissions of some energy technology. Use the dialog to pick up to three control technologies from the those listed in the TEDThe Technology and Environmental Database. tree under the top level TED Pollution Control categoryA type of branch used primarily to organize other branches into a hierarchical structure in the LEAP and TED trees. .

In situations, where no pollution controls are listed this means that either the energy technology has no pollution reduction controls, or that the controls are integrated into the energy technology so that the pollution reduction factor from the control cannot be easily distinguished (for example, in the case of cars with lean burn engines or catalytic converters).

Each of the selected control technologies may affect one or more pollutants. In the rare installed cases where multiple controls effectA pollutant emission or some other direct environmental impact from the consumption or production of energy a single pollutant, the emission reductions are assumed to be additive. In other words

 Emissione = UncontrolledEmissione x (1- ControlOneReductione - ControlTwoReductione - ControlThreeReductione )