Keyboard Shortcuts

Apart from the following keyboard shortcuts, a few other mouse and keyboard controls are worth noting when using LEAP.  If you have a mouse with a wheel control, you can hold down the Ctrl key and scroll the wheel to adjust the size of the text show in the tree, the main editing and results tables and in charts. When editing expressions in the top data entry table, use the Home and End keys to move the editing cursor to the start or the end of the expression. Use Ctrl+Left  and Ctrl+Right to move the editing cursor one word to the left or the right. Double-click within an expression to highlighter a word.  If you paste text into the expression it will replace any highlighted text.  Ctrl click on a function name to activate the function wizard () or the time-series wizard () depending on the type function or to activate the branch/variable selection wizard ().

Quick Actions

Ctrl+A: Select All

Ctrl+B: Branch/Variable Picker/Bold text (when in a text editor)

Ctrl+C: Copy

Ctrl+D: Ditto (copy record from record above)

Ctrl+E: Enter an End-Year Value

Ctrl+F: Function Wizard

Ctrl+Alt+F: Font Dialog

Ctrl+G: Enter a Growth Rate

Ctrl+M: Bookmark Branch/Variable

Ctrl+N: New Area 

Ctrl+R: Remainder

Ctrl+S: Save Area

Ctrl+T: Time-Series Wizard

Ctrl+Alt+T: TED View

Ctrl+V: Paste

Ctrl+Alt+V: Paste Link

Shift+Ctrl+V: Paste Special

Ctrl+X: Cut

Ctrl+Insert: Insert Branch

Ctrl+Delete: Delete Branch

Shift+Ctrl+Delete: Delete All Branches Below

Ctrl+Z: Undo (only in text edit boxes)

Alt+Backspace: Go back to last tree position

Alt+A: Area Menu

Alt+B: Next Branch

Shift+Alt+B: Previous Branch

Alt+C: Chart Menu

Alt+E: Edit Menu

Alt+F: Font Size Up

Shift+Alt+F: Font Size Down

Alt+G: General Menu

Alt+M Go to next Bookmark

Alt+P: Properties

Alt-R: Next Region

Shift-Alt-R: Previous Region

Alt-S: Next Scenario (previously, Alt-S would open the settings screen)

Shift-Alt-S: Previous Scenario

Alt+T: Switch among the tree, data entry table, tag toolbar and data summary tables

Alt-V: Next Variable

Shift-Alt-V: Previous Variable

Alt+Y: Analysis Menu

Alt+W: What’s This Help

Function Keys (Help and Supporting Screens)

F1: Help (Context-Sensitive)

Shift+F1: What’s This Help

F2: Enter Edit Mode (when in a table)

F3: Find

F4: Settings

F5: Tags

Alt+F5: Tag Groups

Ctrl+F5: Add Tag

Shift+F5: Toggle Tag Toolbar

F6: Scenarios

Alt+F6: Scenario Expressions

F7: Fuels

Alt+F7: Fuel Groups

F8: Regions

Alt+F8: Region Groups

F9: Effects

Alt+F9: Geographic Mapping

F10: Units

Alt+F10: Unit converter tool

F11: Yearly Shapes

Alt+F11: Lifecycle Profiles

F12: Time Slices

Alt+F12: Manage Favorites

Ctrl+F11: Toggle Full Screen View

Ctrl+Alt+Keys: Views

Ctrl+Alt+A: Analysis View

Ctrl+Alt+R: Results View

Ctrl+Alt+E: Energy Balance View

Ctrl+Alt+R: Results View

Ctrl+Alt+C: Cost-Benefit Report View

Ctrl+Alt+C: Decomposition Reports View

Ctrl+Alt+M: MACCs: Marginal Abatement Cost Curves View

Ctrl+Alt+O: Overviews View

Ctrl+Alt+S: Sankey Diagrams

Ctrl+Alt+T: TED View

Ctrl+Alt+N: Notes View