Technical Support

Technical support is provided at no charge to licensed users of the system. Various options are available for obtaining support.  We request that you first make use of the LEAP technical support discussion forums. This site provides a moderated forum for users to request and receive technical support and to discuss LEAP-related issues with other users.

Before posting a question, please refer to our posting guidelines.

When requesting technical support by email, we strongly suggest that you send your data set as an attachment and include the system information from the Help: About LEAP screen.

Finally, before requesting help, be sure to check to see if a more recent version of the system is available. Use Help: Check for Updates to automatically check for a newer version over the Internet, and then install it onto your PC. Note that this is the preferred method of updating the software as it requires a much smaller download compared to a full download and installation of the system.

The full set of technical support options are as follows:

  • The LEAP Web Site:

  • Mail: Stockholm Environment Institute-US Center, 11 Curtis Avenue, Somerville, MA, 02114, USA

  • Email: