Simulation Type

See also: NetworkSimulation

Used only when conducting transmission modeling as part of full energy system optimization. Transmission modeling is enabled by editing the Transmission Networks setting in the Settings: Optimization screen.

This variable is specified at the Transmission Lines category branch below each module, under which all of the Transmission lines () are listed.  Use this variable to specify the type of simulation to be conducted:

  • None: this option disables modeling of network flows in a particular scenario.   
  • Pipeline: this method simulates network flows as simple pipeline flows, limited only by maximum flow and efficiency.
  • DCOPF (direct current optimized power flow): This method simulates network flows as if they were direct current flows: minimizing losses by optimizing voltage and power delivered.

Use the NetworkSimulation function to specify these methods.  The easiest way to enter this data is to use the orange button () attached to the variable expression.  For example, you might enter:

NetworkSimulation(Pipeline) or


As with other variables used in optimization modeling, this variable is only available for optimized scenarios.  It is not visible in Current Accounts.