See also: Introduction, Getting Started, History
LEAP is developed and managed by Charlie Heaps of the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). The original version of LEAP was conceived in 1980 by Paul Raskin of Tellus Institute. Other contributors have included:
Jack Sieber
Nicolas di Sbroivacca
Evan Hansen
Michael Lazarus
Jason Veysey
Silvia Ulloa
Additional contributors to the development of the Impact Benefits Calculator (IBC) include:
Daven Henze (University of Colorado)
Johan Kuylenstierna (SEI)
Chris Malley (SEI)
Harry Vallack (SEI)
Douglas Wang (SEI)
Special thanks to Eva Heaps for contributions to the user interface graphical design.
Major funders of LEAP have included:
The many users of LEAP who have contributed to LEAP development by purchasing LEAP licenses, as well as:
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA)
The US Agency for International Development (US-AID)
The European Climate Foundation (ECF)
Language Translations
Language translations have been contributed by:
Albanian: Lorenc Malka
Arabic: Safwan Bany Saleh (not yet implemented)
Bosnian: Esad Smajlovic
Chinese: Liya Cai, Zhou Nan, Shuyan Cao, Ye Lin
Filipino/Tagalog: Alnie Demoral
French: Innocent Nkurikiyimfura, Libasse Ba
Irish (Gaelic): Tomás Mac Uidhir
Indonesian: Zulfikar Yurnaidi, Oetomo Tri Winarno
Korean: Hoseok Kim (not yet implemented)
Portuguese: Gilberto Mahumane, Flavio Pinheiro
Spanish: Silvia Ulloa, Nicolas di Sbroivacca
Swahili: Emmanuel Mudaheranwa
Thai: Atit Tippichai, Bundit Limmeechokchai
Urdu: Waqas Nazir Awan
Yoruba: Marius Dona Kinnouhezan
Third Party Components
LEAP makes use of the following components:
NEMO: the Next Energy Modeling system for Optimization, which is developed by Jason Veysey of SEI
MapWinGIS: Thanks to Paul Meems, the lead developer of MapWinGIS, for his help with integrating MapWinGIS and LEAP.