
See also: Getting Started with LEAP, Credits, History of LEAP

The Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) is a widely-used software tool for energy policy, climate change mitigation and air pollution abatement planning developed at the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).  LEAP has been adopted by thousands of organizations in more than 190 countries worldwide.  Its users include government agencies, academics, non-governmental organizations, consulting companies, and energy utilities, and it has been used at scales ranging from cities and states to national, regional and global applications.   

Integrated Planning

LEAP is an integrated modeling tool that can be used to track energy consumption, production and resource extraction in all sectors of an economy.  It can be used to account for both energy sector and non-energy sector greenhouse gas (GHG) emission sources and sinks.  In addition to tracking GHGs, LEAP can also be used to analyze emissions of local and regional air pollutants, making it well-suited to studies of the climate co-benefits of local air pollution reduction.

Flexibility and Ease-Of Use

LEAP has developed a reputation among its users for presenting complex energy analysis concepts in a transparent and intuitive way.   At the same time, LEAP is flexible enough for users with a wide range of expertise: from leading global experts who wish to design polices and demonstrate their benefits to decision makers to trainers who want to build capacity among young analysts who are embarking on the challenge of understanding the complexity of energy systems.

Modeling Methodologies

LEAP is not a model of a particular energy system, but rather a tool that can be used to create models of different energy systems, where each requires its own unique data structures.  LEAP supports a wide range of different modeling methodologies: on the demand side these range from bottom-up, end-use accounting techniques to top-down macroeconomic modeling.  LEAP also includes a range of optional specialized methodologies including stock-turnover modeling for areas such as transport planning. On the supply side, LEAP provides a range of accounting, simulation and optimization methodologies that are powerful enough for modeling electric sector generation and capacity expansion planning, but which are also sufficiently flexible and transparent to allow LEAP to easily incorporate data and results from other more specialized models.  

LEAP’s modeling capabilities operate at two basic conceptual levels.  At one level, LEAP's built-in calculations handle all of the "non controversial" energy, emissions and cost-benefit accounting calculations.  At the second level, users enter spreadsheet-like expressions that can be used to specify time-varying data or to create a wide variety of sophisticated multi-variable models, thus enabling econometric and simulation approaches to be embedded within LEAP’s overall accounting and optimization frameworks.  

Time Frame

LEAP is intended as a medium to long-term modeling tool.  Most of its calculations occur on an annual time-step, and the time horizon can extend for an unlimited number of years.  Studies typically include both a historical period known as the Current Accounts, in which the model is run to test its ability to replicate known statistical data, as well as multiple forward looking scenarios.  Typically, most studies use a forecast period of between 20 and 50 years.   Some results are calculated with a finer level of temporal detail.  For example, for electric sector calculations the year can be split into different user-defined “time slices” to represent seasons, types of days or even representative times of the day.  These slices can be used to examine how loads vary within the year and how electric power plants are dispatched differently in different seasons.

Scenario Analysis

LEAP is designed around the concept of long-range scenario analysis.  Scenarios are self-consistent story lines of how an energy system might evolve over time.  Using LEAP, policy analysts can create and then evaluate alternative scenarios by comparing their energy requirements, their social costs and benefits and their environmental impacts.  The LEAP Scenario Manager, shown right, can be used to describe individual policy measures which can then be combined in different combinations and permutations into alternative integrated scenarios.  This approach allows policy makers to assess the marginal impact of an individual policy as well as the interactions that occur when multiple policies and measures are combined.  For example, the benefits of appliance efficiency standards combined with a renewable portfolio standard might be less than the sum of the benefits of the two measures considered separately.  In the screen shown right, individual measures are combined into an overall GHG Mitigation scenario containing various measures for reducing greenhouse gas emissions,  

Low Initial Data Requirements

A key benefit of LEAP is its low initial data requirements.  Modeling tools that rely on optimization tend to have high initial data requirements because they require that all technologies are fully defined both in terms of both their operating characteristics and their costs. They also require that the market penetration rates of those technologies have been reasonably constrained to prevent implausible knife-edge solutions.   Developing the data for such models is a time-consuming task, requiring relatively high levels of expertise.   By contrast, because LEAP relies on simpler accounting principles, and because many aspects of LEAP are optional, its initial data requirements are thus relatively low.   Energy and environmental forecasts can be prepared before any cost data have been entered.  Moreover, LEAP’s adaptable and transparent data structures are well suited to an iterative analytical approach: one in which the user starts by rapidly creating an initial analysis that is as simple as possible.  In later iterations the user adds complexity only where data is available and where the added detail provides further useful insights into the questions being addressed in the analysis.