Tree Toolbar

The Tree toolbar is used to manage the branches in the Tree.  It is displayed in the Analysis View above the tree.  Most of these options are also available from the Tree menu and by right-clicking on the tree.

 Properties: Edits the properties of the current highlighted branch.  Depending on the type of branch you will use various different screens to specify the properties of each branch.  For example, demand branches, Transformation modules and processes and non-energy branches each have different properties.

Add Branch: Adds a new branch to the tree.  You will be prompted to enter the name of the branch and edit the relevant branch properties.  These depend on the type of branch being added.

 Delete Current Branch: Deletes the current highlighted branch in the tree.  Note that locked branches cannot be deleted.  Some branches such as the top-level Demand, Transformation, Non-energy and Key Assumption branches also cannot be deleted.

   Delete All Branches Below Current Branch: Deletes all branches below the current highlighted branch.  Note that locked branches and some other types of branches cannot be deleted.

 Up: Moves a branch up one position in the tree relative to its immediate neighbors..

 Down: Moves a branch down one position in the tree relative to its immediate neighbors.

 Select Visible Branches: This option is used to select which tree branches are visible, either for the Area as a whole or for each region.

 Hides or Shows the current branch and all branches below it in the current region.

 Lock/Unlock: Toggles locking/unlocking of branches to prevent them from being deleted or having their data edited.  When you lock or unlock a branch you will also be given the option to lock/unlock all child branches below the highlighted branch.

 Sort: Sorts immediately neighboring branches alphabetically by name.

 Print: prints the tree via a print preview screen.