
Menu Option: Favorites: Favorites
See also:   Results View, Overviews View, Manage Overviews

Note:  This screen (and the Favorites menu) are only available when you are using the Results view

Use this screen to organize your favorite charts.  This screen is available in the Results view, while favorite charts can be displayed in both the Results and Overviews views.  For each favorite you can specify an optional title and subtitle, which are displayed when charts are exported (e.g. to a clipboard or to PowerPoint).  You can also document each favorite by entering text notes.  If Auto Refresh is checked, LEAP will automatically generate a simple set of notes for each chart based on the favorite chart's saved settings.  You can further edit these notes if you wish.  A thumbnail preview of the chart is shown in the bottom part of the screen.  Click the Preview button to force the chart and notes to be regenerated.

Favorites can be organized within folders to make them easier to access.  Use the Add Folder button to create a folder. You can drag and drop favorites among the folders you have created.  You can also delete or rename favorites and folders.