Energy System Optimization

See also: Analysis View, Transformation Analysis, Introduction to Optimization

This variable, specified the top level (area) branch, is used to control whether the energy sector is calculated in a given scenario using LEAP's full energy system optimization calculations.

If set to No, calculations will either be done using LEAP's simulation methodologies or using partial optimization for a particular Transformation module. 

You can control which scenarios use optimization by changing this variable in different scenarios.  When this variable is set to Yes, LEAP will use NEMO along with the fastest solver installed on your PC.  

For finer control, you can make use of different solvers.  This can be useful for checking that different solvers yield the same results.  In some rare cases they may yield slightly different results (most often due to optimizations of the solver code designed to speed up calculations).  The allowable keywords for the variable are as follows:

  • Yes: Optimize using NEMO and the fastest available solver.

  • No: Use LEAP's own accounting and simulation methods (or partial optimization for an individual Transformation module).

  • NEMO(GLPK): Optimize using NEMO and the GLPK solver

  • NEMO(Cbc): Optimize using NEMO and the Cbc solver

  • NEMO(CPLEX): Optimize using NEMO and the CPLEX solver

  • NEMO(GUROBI): Optimize using NEMO and the GUROBI solver

  • NEMO(HIGHS): Optimize using NEMO and the HIGHS solver

  • NEMO(MOSEK): Optimize using NEMO and the MOSEK solver

  • NEMO(XPRESS): Optimize using NEMO and the Fico Xpress solver

Note that the commercial solvers CPLEX, and GUROBI must be purchased and installed separately from LEAP and NEMO. MOSEK is installed with NEMO but you must have a properly purchased and installed license file for MOSEK in order for it to calculate. Use the orange  Exp button () in the data entry table to quickly choose a framework and solver from among those installed (as shown on right).  

Note that you cannot conduct optimization calculations for Current Accounts and so this variable is only available in scenarios (not in Current Accounts).