Transformation Module Costs

See also: Results View, Social Costs, Investment Costs
Result Type: Costs

Costs and sales revenue within a particular Transformation module are reported using three different types of results:

  • The Module Cost Balance result type shows the balance between revenue generated from the sale of outputs from a module and the various costs of operating the module.  Revenues generated from sales are shown as positive values, while the negative values (costs) include: feedstock and auxiliary fuel costs, capital costs, fixed and variable operating and maintenance (O&M) costs, module costs, externality costs (where applicable) and any stranded costs associated with pre-existing processes.

  • The Costs of Production result type is similar to the Module Cost Balance, but excludes sales revenue and reports each type of cost as positive values.

  • The Sales Revenue result type reports the same sales revenues included in the Module Cost Balance, but further disaggregates this result by output fuel.

Note that the fuel costs used when calculating these types of results can potentially be different from the resource costs used in the social costs calculation.

Cost results are only available if you have specified cost data and if you have switched on the costing  analysis in the Scope and Scale tab of the General: Settings: screen.