Analysis View Tool Bar

See also: View Bar, Analysis View

The Analysis View tool bar provides tools for working with the data entry screens of the Analysis View:

  • The Variable Selection Box lets you choose a variable to edit.  Variables are categorized in various groups (basic, capacity, dispatch, cost, user-define, etc) You can also choose to edit all variables (for the current tree branch) simultaneously.  Note that the functionality of this selection box is duplicated by the on-screen tabs used to display the variable in the Analysis View.  To save screen space you can choose to hide these tabs by right-clicking on them and selecting "Variables as Tabs".

  • The Region Selection Box lets you choose a region to edit.  This selection box is only displayed if your area has more than one region.  You can also choose to edit all regions simultaneously.

  • The Scenario Selection Box lets you choose either a scenario for editing (including Current Accounts).  You can also choose to edit all scenarios simultaneously.

  • Cut (Ctrl-X) Copies any selected text to the Windows clipboard and then deletes it.

  • Copy (Ctrl-C) Copies any selected text to the Windows clipboard.

  • Paste (Ctrl-V) Pastes text from the Windows clipboard.

  • Ditto (Ctrl-D) is used to set the value in a field to the value in the record immediately above it.

  • Increase Font Size (Ctrl-Alt-I): increases the size of the font used to display the tables and the tree in LEAP.

  • Decrease Font Size  (Ctrl-Alt-J): decreases the size of the font used to display the tables and the tree in LEAP.

  • Font: is used to set the typeface used to display the tables and the tree in LEAP.

The Bread Crumb Bar

The bread crumb bar shows you which branch is currently selected in the tree.  You can click on it to navigate to other branches without having to use the tree.  By the way, it is called a bread crumb bar because it resembles a trail of bread crumbs that can be left behind by someone who wishes to travel somewhere without getting lost.

On the left of the bread crumb bar are two web-browser style Back and Forward buttons.  These button work just like the Back and Forward buttons in a web browse, except that rather than visiting web pages, you use them to visit LEAP branches and variables,  They are used to step back to the previously visited branch/variable, or step forward to one you previously backed away from.