Maximum Availability (%)

See also: Analysis View, Transformation Analysis, Minimum Utilization

Use this time-sliced variable to put an upper limit on the availability of processes. The maximum availability of a process is the ratio of the maximum energy produced to what would have been produced if the process ran at full capacity for a given period (expressed as a percentage). Maximum availability is normally defined by planned and forced outages. It is entered along with capacity data, and the product of the two is the maximum available capacity in any time slice.

Maximum Availability is only shown when you have specified that a Transformation module's properties include capacity data.

Maximum Availability is defined for each time slice in a year.  If you don't expect availability to vary within a year then you can enter a single value (between 0 and 100%).  If maximum availability does vary (e.g. by season) then you can use the YearlyShape function to link to one of the library of YearlyShapes defined in your area.  Make sure you choose one of the yearly shapes that explicitly contains an availability profile.