Energy Balance View

Menu Option: View: Energy Balance
See also: View Bar  

The Energy Balance view displays summaries of energy consumption, conversion and production for any calculated scenarioA self-consistent story line of how a future energy system might evolve over time in a particular socio-economic setting and under a particular set of policy conditions., region or year in the AreaThe energy system being studied you are studying.

Energy balances can be displayed as a standard format Energy Balance Table, as Chart, or as a Sankey Diagram.

The Energy Balance View provides a number of options for configuring the tables, charts and diagrams. Options include the ability to select the scenario, year and region to be displayed, to change the energy units in which results are reported, to change the colors of the chart and Sankey diagram, adjust the number of decimal places in which values are shown, etc. When displaying results by fuel, fuel grouping, or region a slider control is shown at the foot of the energy balance.  Use this to quickly select among different years.