Full Screen View

Menu Option: View: Full Screen View

See also: Main Menu, View Bar, Status BarMain Toolbar

When working in any of LEAP's views, you can press the Ctrl-F11 key or select menu option View: Full Screen (). This will fit the LEAP application to the entire computer screen (hiding the Windows task bar in the process) and will also hide LEAP's main menu, main toolbar, view bar and status bar, so maximizing the amount of space available for displaying LEAP's tree and the various charts, tables and diagrams used in the LEAP's different views.

You may find this mode useful when using LEAP in a stakeholder workshop where many people want to see the screen at the same time.  Press Ctrl-F11 again or right-click and select Exit Full Screen View (to exit this mode. While in Full Screen View you can switch views by right-clicking any part of the screen and selecting a view from the popup menu.