Main Toolbar

See also: Main MenuView Bar, Status Bar, Full Screen View

The main toolbar is used to access the most commonly used functions in LEAP. The options on it are described below. Some of these are hidden in different views.

New Area (Ctrl-N) Creates a new Area. You will be prompted for a name and asked whether you wish to create an area by copying from another, or by starting from a default (blank) set of data.

Open (Ctrl-O) Opens an existing area.

Save (Ctrl-S) Saves the current Area, including any data edited in LEAP. This button is only enabled when you have made a change to the data set.

Email:  Allows you to send your data set to another person.  When using this option LEAP will create a complete copy of the current area as a ".leap" data file and then attach it to an email message.  You will be prompted for the email address of the intended recipient. LEAP supports two different email protocols: SMTP and MAPI.  The former requires no additional software but may sometimes be blocked by firewalls on some networks.  The latter works with standard MAPI software and makes use of a local email client (such as Outlook or Thunderbird) to actually send the email.  See the Settings screen for more details.

Backup:  Makes a backup copy of the current area as a ".leap" data file.  You will be prompted to select the folder where you wish to create the backup and you will also be asked whether to include any previously saved versions of the area within the ".leap" file.   

Find: Displays the Find screen.  Used to help you locate particular branches, fuels or expressions in your data set.

Settings: Displays the Settings screen.  Used to let you view and edit all the settings for your data set and for LEAP itself.

Tags: Displays the Tag Manager screen.  Used to let you edit the tags in your area.

Scenarios: Displays the Manage Scenarios screen.  Used to view, create and edit the scenarios in your LEAP data set.  For example, via this screen you can specify how the expressions used to specify data in LEAP are inherited from one scenario to another.

Fuels (Alt-F)  View or edit the list of fuels used in your Area.

Regions (Alt-R)  View and edit the list of regions in your Area.  This button is only displayed if there is more than one region in the Area.

Effects ( Alt-E)  View or edit the list of effects for your Area.

Units (Alt-U)  View or edit the list of units used in your Area.

What's This Help (Shift-F1):  Click this button, then click on any other part of the main screen to get context-sensitive help.