Using the Help System
LEAP's context-sensitive online help system is available throughout the application, giving access to over 650 pages of help. Please note that help is an online system, so you will need to have an active internet connection to access it.
Accessing Help
At any time, you can press F1 to access a page pertinent to the screen you are working on. You can also use the What's This? help button () on the main toolbar to point to a part of the screen to summon a page of help about it.
In the Analysis View and Results View, help panes describing input and output variables are automatically displayed as you switch among variables.
In the Expression Builder and Function Wizard, help panes automatically give help on the different functions available to you as you create your expressions. In the expression builder, simply move your text editing cursor into a function name. LEAP then will show a page of help about that function.
Using the Help System
When displayed in a large window, the help system will typically show a Table of Contents (TOC) on the left-hand side of the screen, which you can use to navigate to additional help topics. When shown within LEAP in a more compact window, the TOC will initially be hidden. Use the Help menu button () to show or hide the TOC. That menu button also gives access to an alphabetical index of help topics and a glossary of terms. On larger screens, when reading longer help topics containing multiple sub-headings, the Help system will also show a handy "In this Topic" mini table of contents on the right-hand side of the screen.
Many help topics contain hyperlinks to other help topics. Use the back button (Alt+Left Cursor) if you visit a linked topic and then want to return to the original topic.
Use the Help Search button () if you want to search for a concept within the entire Help system. You can also save favorite help pages for later easy recall using the favorite button (
) or share a help page with someone using the social media help button (
Finally, if you have a mouse with a wheel control, you can hold the Ctrl key and scroll the wheel to make the text in the Help system bigger or smaller.